
Uncovering the Stories Behind the Faces and Places That Define Us

Trump’s Scape-Goat: El Salvador

American-born criminal gang, MS13, has now become the most visible symbol of why the US is advocating for tougher immigration policies. President Trump has pointed the finger of blame at those affiliated with the transnational criminal organisation and, Central American immigrants in general, for the rising gang culture and violence in the US.

In an attempt to minimise this, 300,000 immigrants, the majority of which are gang members or “animals” as Trump dubbed them, were deported back to Central America between 1990 and 2014. However, this has only left Central American countries and, El Salvador in particular, with astronomically high homicide rates and the reputation of the most dangerous place on earth. 

In addition to sending back the Salvadoran gangsters, the US administrations have sent millions of dollars into the paramilitary security force known as the Jaguars.

Although this may seem noble on the surface, the US is, in fact, funding the illegal execution of gang members. Recent CNN and UN reports have exposed the US backed Jaguars as exterminators, illegally executing hundreds of MS13 gang members every year. This is a serious violation of human rights that has been swept under the rug. The US is involved with training the Jaguar unit as well as providing economic aid through military equipment. The inherently violent nature of MS13 mixed in with the corrupt security forces and brutal police tactics have created a vicious cycle of death. 

Ultimately, MS13 is an American issue which Trump has pushed onto the already poverty-stricken, dangerous, economically and politically unstable El Salvador; aka Trump’s scape-goat.

Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang members wait to be escorted upon their arrival at the maximum-security jail in Zacatecoluca, El Salvador, June 22, 2017. REUTERS/Jose Cabezas TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

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